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 Tefillin. Connection. Friendship.



Covid-19 has made it difficult to socially connect with one another. Especially for Friendship Circle participants, this has been especially devastating.


For many kids with special needs, connecting with their FC friends was a highlight of their week.


People want to talk, to unite, to bond. They are seeking connection.


The way we see it, G-d has gifted us with a binding element: Tefillin (phylacteries). 


Tefillin binds people, binds worlds, binds hearts, and binds minds.


Friendship Circle International has joined forces with The Mitzvah Bank to donate a pair of Tefillin to FC participants who have become Bar Mitzvahs during this time and who have not been able to properly mark this milestone.


This is your chance to receive a pair of tefillin free of charge and gain an opportunity to do a valuable mitzvah.

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