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  • Writer's pictureFriendship Circle International

"Why can't I go to the same school as my sister?"

We’re doing a recap of our past decade here at Team Friendship to celebrate our 10th birthday, and today we’re taking it back to 2016. Back in 2016, Team Friendship made its way to S. Diego. A group of runners out on the West Coast heard great things about the Team Friendship Miami Marathon and wanted to join the cause. There was just one problem: they couldn’t fly across the country.

“Why don’t we do an event here, instead?” they proposed.

And so they did! That year, the S. Diego Marathon saw a cohort of runners from Team Friendship. It was a wonderful experience… maybe we’ll do it again sometime in the future!

In 2016, Tzvi Bogomilsky broke Team Friendship records for raising the most money ever recorded by a single participant: $34,844!

We also had Joseph Bensmihen, best known as JB, speak as the keynote speaker at our Miami Marathon kickoff event! JB was born with cerebral palsy and spoke all about the time he changed the course of Candian history while he was just a child with Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, no big deal!

JB has been a highly successful business owner, an advisor to many members of Congress, the former President of the Private Care Association, the Director of the David Bensmihen Charitable Foundation, a member of the Board of Overseers for the men's undergraduate college at Yeshiva University, and a strong advocate for the disabled. To hear more about his story watch below.

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